PDFs Medical Device Testing Heart Valve Testing M6 Heart Valve Durability Tester MP3 Pulse Duplicator UC3-DC Universal Controller Heart Valve Durability Testing at Dynatek’s Contract Testing Lab Test Sections for the M6 Heart Valve Tester Critical Criteria For Purchasing a Heart Valve Tester M6 Heart Valve Tester Demonstration and RealTest™ R&D Stent Testing SVP-24 Stent Tester UST Stent Tester FtF Fatigue to Fracture Tester Bending Tests of Stents Radial Pulsatile Durability Testing of Stents and Stent Grafts Testing Services High Speed Photographic Verification of Stent Deflection UC3-HD Universal Controller Stent Radial Fatigue Testers: Now users have a choice Straight Mock Vessels Bent to Radius vs. Curved Mock Vessels: Effect on Stent Deflection Flow-Through in Stent Radial Fatigue and Coating Durability Testers Radial Fatigue Testing of Vascular Stents: Single- vs. Double-Ended Pressurization Particulate Counting CDT-5 Stent Tester CDT-20 Stent Tester Acute Particulate Tester Particle Counters for Stent Testers Coating Durability Testing Acute Particulate Testing of Vascular Devices SEM Analysis of Particles Particulate Capture from Vascular Stents Visual Examination of Stents using Microscopy Silicone Mock Vessels Silicone Mock Vessels DCT Compliance Tester VAD Tester PVAD Pulsatile VAD Tester Dynatek Labs Dynatek Firsts About Us Custom Capabilities Testing Standards Dynatek Labs, Inc.105 East 4th StreetGalena, MO 65656417.357.6155800.325.8252fax 417.357.6327