Publications – Food Analysis

Medical Device Testing

Cyclic Peel Testing of the Release of Silicone Products from Molds

by Dynatek Labs | 2000 | Publications, Food Analysis

J.C. Conti, E.R. Strope, D.J. Rohde


Molded products fabricated from various silicones are becoming more popular. The removal of these products from their molds is essentially a peel process. Cyclic peel testing, the loading of a sample at subcritical peel levels, gives a more precise analysis of the adhesion properties of this joint than standard peel testing. A study was conducted using aluminum and silicone molds onto which two castable platinum cured silicone materials were delivered and cured. This technique allows for a simple, precise, and cost effective way of optimizing mold release agents, candidate product…

The Cyclic Texture Profile Analysis of Mozzarella Cheese: Evaluating the Rate of Textural Change (RTC)

by Dynatek Labs | IFT 1999 | Publications, Food Analysis

Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Book of Abstracts, 80, (1999)

J.C. CONTI, E.R. Strope, F. Schmidt

IFT 1999

The texture of mozzarella cheese is important for the development of formulations needed to fulfill increased demand. There are problems correlating sensory panels and mechanical testing. Multiple chew data better characterize textural properties.

To develop techniques that evaluate…

A New Adhesive Joint Test Suggest Failure Unpredicted by Standard Test Methods

by Dynatek Labs | SME 1998 | Publications, Food Analysis

Society of Manufacturing Engineers; 1999, Issue 106, pages ALL

Conti, J.C., Strope, E. R., Jones, E.

SME 1998

Although the use of adhesives in the packaging, transportation, housing, and manufacturing markets seems to have unlimited potential, there is a problem that limits the full replacement of other fastening techniques with this bonding modality. The occurrence of unpredicted failures has plagued adhesive users for many years. One example is the use of …

The Dynamic Texture Analysis of Mozzarella Cheese: Evaluating the Rate of Texture Change (ROTC)

by Dynatek Labs | IFT 1998 | Publications, Food Analysis

J.C. CONTI, E.R. Strope

IFT 1998 (Not Accepted)

A dynamic approach to texture profile analysis has been used to address poor sensory panel/instrument correlations. It has been demonstrated that a multiple chewing test using appropriately shaped mock teeth and synthetic cheek material is effective in generating data that shows expected changes in the hardness, cohesiveness, and other textural parameters that one might expect from mozzarella cheese. We have used the dynamic texture analyzer to evaluate…

Dynamic Peel Analysis Demonstrates Package Seal Failure Not Predicted By Standard Peel Tests

by Dynatek Labs | Adhesion Society 1997 | Publications, Food Analysis

21st Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Proceedings, 150, (1997)

J. C. Conti, Ph.D., E. Jones, E. Strope, Ph.D., and D. Rohde

Adhesion Society 1997

The packaging industry experiences many unpredictable seal failures before, during, and after the development and manufacturing procedures associated with new packaging. Many of these failures are similar to unpredictable failures found in adhesive joint applications. The magnitude …

SEM Analysis of Particles

The Dynamic Texture Analysis of Mozzarella Cheese: Effect of Chewing Rate and Dwell Time

by Dynatek Labs | IFT 1997 | Publications, Food Analysis

IFT 1997


Cyclic Versus Single-Pull Peel Testing: Influence on the First Yield Point of a Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive

by Dynatek Labs | Adhesion Society 1997 | Publications, Food Analysis

20th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Proceedings, pp. 425-427, (1997)

J. C. Conti, Ph.D., and E. R. Strope, Ph.D., E. Jones
Presented by: Eran Jones
Adhesion Society 1997

Many properly designed adhesive joints fail via a peel mechanism. It is important to understand the influence of loading versus time on the peel process. Peel adhesion of tapes with elastomeric adhesives is strongly dependent on viscoelastic properties of the adhesive [1-3]. Mode of peeling failure is…

Dynamic Texture Analyzer Addresses Poor Sensory Panel / Instrument Correlation

by Dynatek Labs | IFT 1996 | Publications, Food Analysis

Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Book of Abstracts, 44, (1996)

J.C. CONTI, E.R. Strope, D.J. Rohde, L.D. Spence

IFT 1996

Texture is an important property of foods that is sometimes difficult to quantitate. Although sensory panels can be trained to evaluate the various textural properties of a new or modified food, they also suffer from a degree of unsurity associated with the aboption of parameters that are presented during training. It would be beneficial to food scientists and technologists to be able to…

Dynatek Labs

Dynatek Labs, Inc.
105 East 4th Street
Galena, MO 65656
fax 417.357.6327