Publications – Doppler Ultrasound
Medical Device Testing
Self Assurance to Quality Assurance: Knowing the Correct Things to Do
by | Article 1998 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
Article 1998
In this chapter, we will address those issues that are very important to professional sonographers, namely, the ability to be sure that you are doing a good, precise, and reliable job. The ability to know that the quality of work you produce is of the highest nature not only requires training, but also an understanding of the technology and instrumentation as well as issues that pertain to overall quality assurance topics. We have taught physics to all grade levels and will use some of the simple techniques to explain the phenomenon of ultrasound. We will then expand upon this information …
The Design and Laser Evaluation of a Pulsatile Flow Standard
by SBEC 1998 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
|Seventeenth Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Proceedings, 150, (1997)
Conti, J.C., Strope, E.R., Rohde, D.J.
SBEC 1998
In our laboratory we repeatedly have a need to be able to calibrate a variety of flow and velocity instruments that are used in various hydro-dynamic testing. There are many other laboratory applications including a clinical ultrasound laboratories and laser doppler velocimetry facilities that could utilize a device that would increase their reliability in their flow measurements.
Use of a Precise and Portable Flow Standard to Improve the Accuracy of Medical and Scientific Laboratory Flow Measurements
by | SBEC 1997 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
Sixteenth Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Proceedings, 10, (1997)
J.C. CONTI, E.R. Strope, L.D. Spence
SBEC 1997
There is an ever increasing need in both medical imaging, industrial, and research laboratories for the use of any number of new and modern flow probes. Some of these probes are designed to measure flow rate and others, for instance, using laser or ultrasound, utilize Doppler analysis to measure velocity directly and flow…
EchoCal Presentation: GOUS 1995
by | GOUS 1995 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
Presentation Slides
GOUS 1995
Benefits of Accurate Doppler Ultrasound
by | AR 1993 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
James C. Conti, Ph.D. and Elaine R. Strope, Ph.D.
AR 1993
A crisis is clearly developing in the American health care system. On the one hand, those of us involved in health care delivery want the highest quality system the world can offer. On the other hand, as administrators we must address the ever spiraling costs that threaten to bankrupt not only hospitals and clinics, but also the country. But there is good news for hospital, radiology, and imaging center administrators. There are ways to reduce health care costs, and at the same time maintain quality of service and improve patient safety. Can this be true?
Accuracy of Measurements of Flow Velocity by Pulsed and Continuous Wave Doppler Echocardiography: An In-Vitro Study
by | ACC 1993 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
Presented by: Takahiro Shiota
ACC 1993
Flow velocity (VEL) estimation by Doppler echocardiography has been widely accepted clinically. To determine the accuracy of Doppler measurement of flow VELs compared to those from a precisely calibrated pulsatile Doppler phantom (EchoCal CD 10 Dynatek Laboratories Inc.) designed as a “Gold Standard”, we evaluated a total of 6 commercially available echo-Doppler systems with 9 pulsed (PW) and 4 continuous wave (CW) Doppler transducers. Actual flow VELs ranged from 30 cm/sec …
Doppler Ultrasound Calibration: Instrumentation and Protocols for Quality Assurance
by Dynatek Labs | Euroson 1993 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
James C. Conti
Euroson 1993 (Not Accepted)
Just as ultrasound imaging modalities became quantitative with the use of appropriate phantoms and protocols, Doppler ultrasound studies can now be implemented as quantitative tools by the use of a reliable flow phantom and appropriate procedures. The need for equipment to calibrate Doppler ultrasound instrumentation has been properly noted in scientific literature and textbooks.1-2 In addition, the design characteristics of an ideal flow phantom have been defined.1 A device and simple protocol have been evaluated that allows a Doppler…
Flow Acceleration Towards and Into a Long Segmental Stenosis: Spatial Movement of the Vena Contracta: An In Vitro Study Using Digital Color Doppler
by | AHA 1992 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
Presented by: Takahiro Shiota (David Sahn)
AHA 1992
We used color Doppler (CD) to estimate changes in flow velocity (VEL) when fluid accelerates towards and into a long segment stenosis in a modified pulsatile flow phantom (EchoCal CD 10) with calibrated VELs. Fluid enters the system through a 2.6 cm (diameter) cylinder to accelerate through a tapering segment ending in an abrupt orifice (OR) into a 0.8 cm diameter tube. We used a Ving-Med 750 scanner with on-line transfer of digital CD VEL data to a Macintosh IIci computer.
Standardization of Doppler Echocardiographic Signals
by | ASE 1990 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
James C. Conti, Ph.D. and Elaine R. Strope, Ph.D., D. J. Rohde, C. L. Hanawalt, R.D.M.S., K. Scott, R.D.M.S
ASE 1990
A flow standard or phantom has been developed that allows the cardiologist, or other medical professional to assure that the flow velocity values they are obtaining are indeed reliable. Proven technologies have been utilized to fabricate a device that generates highly reproducible and reliable pulsatile flow up to 6 meters per second. Internationally recognized experts in the area of cardiovascular flow dynamics have contributed to this project. It is expected that this standard will be reproducible …
The True Flow Calibration of Ultrasound Diagnostic Instruments
by | AAMI 1990 | Publications, Doppler Ultrasound
25th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, Proceedings, 22, (1990)
J. C. Conti, Ph.D., E. R. Strope, Ph.D., D. J. Rohde
AAMI 1990