Dr. Elaine Strope, president of Dynatek Labs, was one of three speakers at the Women in Science and Entrepreneurship (WISE) Networking Breakfast on April 23, 2019. The WISE event was a unique opportunity for women in science and entrepreneurship in the Springfield, MO area to learn, share, and network. Dr. Strope shared her career path as well her experience in running a business in science.
MissouriCures Education Foundation (MissouriCures.org) and Rosie (Rosiesgf.com) presented the networking breakfast and the efactory (efactory.missouristate.edu) hosted the event. The Missouri Cures Education Foundation is a statewide nonprofit public education and advocacy alliance working to promote and protect medical advances to improve the health of Missourians and stimulate the economy in our state. Rosie helps support, assist, and serves as an advocate network for current and prospective female founders, business owners, and leaders in the Springfield region. The efactory is a business incubator, training center, and support network in Springfield.