High Frequency Testing of Grafts and Mock Arteries for Stents: Influence …

Stent Testing

by Dynatek Labs | SFB 1999 | Publications, Stent Testing

High Frequency Testing of Grafts and Mock Arteries for Stents: Influence of Testing Frequency on Durability

25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, Transaction, 403, (1999)

James C. Conti1, Elaine R. Strope, Karen Price

Dynatek Dalta Scientific Instruments, Fourth and Main St., PO Box 254, Galena, MO 65656 USA

1 Southwest Missouri State University, Dept. of Physics, Springfield, MO USA

SFB 1999


There is little precedent in the medical product development world for the recent introduction of new product ideas associated with the developers of stents. Product developers face the competing pressures of the need for verifiable, long term durability testing on these products and the need to minimize time to market. Although there has been some relaxation on the part of regulatory agencies to allow clinical trials to begin without the need for complete durability studies, there still is a need on the part of developers to perform durability tests that are as fast as possible, and yet still reliable.

These same issues are evident in the testing of vascular grafts as well. Since the stents that need to be tested are usually put into mock arteries of known physiologically relevant compliances, the need to evaluate the reliability of high speed testing of vascular grafts and mock arteries for stents is very similar. In our attempts to further determine the ability to test these devices at ever faster frequencies, we have designed an experiment to evaluate the influence of high speed testing on long term durability.

The problem with exceeding the currently accepted frequency of testing is that the engineering properties of these tubes change dramatically at high frequency. To combat this, there has been a tendency to simply overpressurize these devices, so as to overcome the tendency for them to become stiffer or lose compliance at high frequency. This experiment addresses these issues.

Methods I:

Fifty 3.6mm inside diameter by 10cm long natural latex rubber tubes were produced and evaluated using a variety of pressure excursions and frequencies to determine their dynamic internal radial compliance. Pressure excursions and frequencies were adjusted with the intention of carrying out two different long term durability experiments, one at a speed in which it was determined that the tubes still had the same properties as they did at 72bpm, and the other designed to adjust the pressure excursion to allow us to do the same geometric change testing per cycle but instead at 1,600bpm.

Results I:

Table 1 is a summary of the testing done at various cycles per minute. Above 800bpm the % radial compliance (%C) dropped rapidly, and then above 1,600bpm, the lower compliance remains surprisingly constant.

Table 11,2

Testing Frequency



%Radial Compliance



72 4.52
400 4.24
800 4.21
1200 2.34
1600 1.56
2000 1.50
2250 1.53

Table 2 shows an isolated test at 72bpm and 1,000bpm from the same batch of tubing, showing that at 1,000bpm the compliance was still very close to the numbers obtained at 72bpm. As a result, a testing speed of 1,000bpm, representing well-defined engineering properties, was chosen for the further, long term testing. In contrast, 1600bpm is a testing frequency at which the tubes are evidencing lower compliance (see Table 1). This speed, then, was chosen as the testing frequency in a second long term durability experiment.

Table 22

Pressure Excursion






%Radial Compliance



80-180 72bpm 4.25±0.15
80-180 1000bpm 3.69±0.62

Table 3 shows a series of pressure excursions, all carried out at 1,600bpm, with corrections showing the actual change in radius per cycle. This table demonstrates that a pressure excursion of 210 to 340 gives the same change in geometry at 1,600bpm that these tubes demonstrate at 72bpm.

Table 32

Pressure Excursion


mm Hg




% Radial Compliance






190-300 1600 3.05 3.36
190-315 1600 3.16 3.94
190-320 1600 3.16 4.15
190-340 1600 3.33 4.99
200-330 1600 3.18 4.13
210-340 1600 3.28 4.26
280-380 1600 4.12 4.12

Methods II:

Twenty-four of the above mock arteries were mounted on two high speed durability testers. Twelve on system I were tested at a cyclic pressure differential of 180180mm Hg at a frequency of 1000bpm. The other twelve were tested at 340/210nim Hg at a frequency of 1600bpm. Several follow-up compliance determinations were carried out.

Results II:

Table 4 shows the results of the follow-up compliance evaluations on the low speed testing. Table 5 is similar, but on the high speed testing. Notice a much larger amount of fatigue experienced by the low speed testing.

Table 6 and 7 show the burst history of the samples. These data are complicated by the fact that burst pressures are also the loading pressures and, therefore, the low experiments are bursting at lower pressures. Nonetheless, there is a tendency for the lower tested samples to burst 15-20 million cycles earlier than the high experiments.


These experiments show that overpressurized high speed testing of mock arteries has a tendency to undertest the samples compared to slower, more well-defined testing. This means that high pressurelhigh speed testing could indicate success in products that will fail when subjected to loading that is more physiologically relevant.

1    Pressure Excursion 80-180mmHg

2    Natural latex 3.6mm i.d. x 10cm length

3    Percentage change in radius per 100mmHg normalized

4    Actual % change in radius


 Table 4

Dynatek #1

Compliance Data

Low Speed/Pressure


72 bpm @ 180/80 1000 bpm @ 180/80
Date 7/27/98 11/18/98 1/15/99 7/27/98  11/18/98 1/15/99
Cycles 0.000 102.350 179.990 0.000 102.350 179.990
13 4.67 9.03 blown 3.86 5.25 blown
14 4.35 8.16 25.91 2.93 5.27 11.14
15 4.59 7.54 14.43 3.57 4.88 6.38
16 4.54 7.51 12.65 3.28 4.96 5.95
17 4.64 6.69 11.19 2.90 4.36 6.23
18 4.52 7.18 11.02 3.46 4.78 6.01
19 4.52 7.38 11.33 4.32 4.73 5.97
20 4.55 7.03 10.21 3.61 4.68 6.04
21 4.80 7.31 12.57 3.70 4.72 6.11
22 4.68 7.25 11.21 3.07 4.71 5.42
23 4.78 8.87 blown 3.62 5.71 blown
24 4.60 8.49 blown 3.39 5.51 blown

 Table 5

Dynatek #2

Compliance Data

High Speed/Pressure

72 bpm @ 180/80 1600 bpm @ 340/210
Date 9/18/98 11/12/98 12/18/98   9/18/98 11/12/98 12/18/98
Cycles 0.000 104.000 179.604 0.000 104.000 179.604
A 4.34 7.13 8.88 3.28 3.52 5.66
B 4.12 7.23 8.53 3.44 3.91 5.46
C 4.37 6.61 8.21 2.95 4.05 5.34
D 4.21 6.83 8.20 2.90 4.26 5.23
E 3.98 6.54 7.78 3.09 3.70 5.54
F 4.24 7.05 8.68 3.31 4.03 6.01
G 4.19 6.89 8.72 2.72 4.37 5.50
H 4.46 6.78 8.92* 2.65 2.46 8.78*
I 4.08 6.52 9.04 2.43 3.71 5.94
J 4.23 6.34 8.73 3.30 3.76 6.21
K 4.22 6.44 8.77 2.90 3.68 6.09
*Sample H blew a hole on the SVP, was cut below the hole and tested.
*Sample A blew a hole on the SVP 1/5/99, was cut below the hole and tested.
Cycles 203.045 7.43% @ 72 bpm @ 180/80
7.40% @ 1600 bpm @ 340/210
*Sample D blew a hole on the SVP 1/19/99, was cut below the hole and tested.
Cycles 229.011 10.24% @ 72 bpm @ 180/80
9.75% @ 1600 bpm @ 340/210

Table 6

Dynatek #1 – Low Speed /Pressure


























8/31/98 Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted
9/30/98 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142 36.142
10/30/98 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021 79.021
11/30/98 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891 118.891
12/30/98 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350
12/30/98 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 162.350 Removed 162.350
1/5/99 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734
1/5/99 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 165.734 Removed
1/11/99 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468
1/11/99 Removed 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468 174.468
1/15/99 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990
1/15/99 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 179.990 Removed
1/18/99 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362
1/18/99 Removed 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362 184.362
2/8/99 208.053 208.053 208.053 208.053 208.053 208.053 208.053
2/8/99 208.053 208.053 208.053 Removed 208.053 208.053 208.053
2/22/99 225.314 225.314 225.314 225.314 225.314 225.314
2/22/99 225.314 225.314 225.314 225.314 Removed 225.314
2/22/99 225.603 225.603 225.603 225.603 225.603
2/22/99 225.603 Removed 225.603 225.603 225.603
2/24/99 228.059 228.059 228.059 228.059
2/24/99 228.059 228.059 Removed 228.059
2/25/99 229.646 229.646 229.646
2/25/99 Removed 229.646 229.646
3/5/99 235.526 235.526
3/5/99 235.526 Removed
3/8/99 235.792
3/8/99 Removed

Table 7

Dynatek #2 – High Speed /Pressure
























9/21/98 Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted
9/30/98 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239 6.239
10/30/98 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567 74.567
11/30/98 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288 142.288
12/17/98 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604
12/17/98 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 179.604 Removed 179.604 179.604 179.604
12/27/98 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424
12/27/98 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 193.424 Removed 193.424 193.424 193.424
12/29/98 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184
12/29/98 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 195.184 Removed 195.184 195.184
12/30/98 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597
12/30/98 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 197.597 Removed 197.597
12/31/98 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725
12/31/98 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725 199.725 Removed
1/5/99 203.045 203.045 203.045 203.045 203.045 203.045
1/5/99 Removed 203.045 203.045 203.045 203.045 203.045
1/11/99 216.520 216.520 216.520 216.520 216.520
1/11/99 Removed 216.520 216.520 216.520 216.520
1/13/99 217.490 217.490 217.490 217.490
1/13/99 217.490 217.490 217.490 Removed
1/15/99 220.226 220.226 220.226
1/15/99 Removed 220.226 220.226
1/19/99 229.011 229.011
1/19/99 Removed 229.011
1/20/99 231.083
1/20/99 Removed

Dynatek Labs, Inc.
105 East 4th Street
Galena, MO 65656
fax 417.357.6327

Dynatek Labs